Sunday, August 17, 2008

Don't be an Idiot

I got a new claim the other day that seemed pretty straight forward. Our insured rear ended another vehicle. Should be pretty quick and painless as the other party is not injured, and has not hired an attorney. So I give my insured a call and asked him what happened, and this is our exchange:

Me: So, tell me how the accident happened

Idiot Driver: Well, I was driving on the freeway and this dude in the other lane wanted to merge into my lane.

Me: (thinking to myself) Could be more complicated if the other guy cut off my insured and slammed on the brakes.

Idiot Driver: People cutting me off in traffic is kind of a pet peeve for me, so there was no way I was going to let this guy get into my lane.

Me: (thinking to myself) Uh oh

Idiot Driver: So I sped up to block the other dude from getting into my lane.

Me: O.K.?

Idiot Driver: And that's when I rear ended the guy in front of me.

Me: (What I wanted to say) A.) So, how'd that work out for ya? or B.) Good job Idiot!

Me: (What I actually said) Well, accidents happen!

So, this guy wants to be king of traffic and decide who gets to go in what lane, and while enforcing his traffic law hits an innocent bystander. Now he is out $500 for his insurance deductible, his premiums will go because he was at fault for an accident, we have to pay to fix the other car, and my man was late for work. But the good news is the other car didn't get into his lane!

The moral of the story? Don't be an Idiot!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Ha ha! Love the new blog, PA#1!