Sunday, August 17, 2008

Collision Coverage: Just Do It!

The following is a public service announcement:

If you do not have collision coverage on your automobile insurance policy . . . YOU ARE A MORON! Let's face it, accidents happen, it only takes one or two seconds of distraction for you to be in an accident. If you have children in the car you probably spend more time looking at them then you do looking at the road. If you get in an accident and you don't have collision coverage you are at the mercy of the other driver involved in the accident. Even if the accident is not your fault, you are not in the clear. Why you ask? Let me explain.

This may come as a surprise to many of you, but people do not always tell the truth. What?!? People actually lie? The answer is yes. As an adjuster I can comfortably say that about 98% of people involved in an auto accident lie to their adjuster. The other 2% are minors who quickly change their stories once their parents find out what they have told me. So, if you do not have collision coverage your car is not getting fixed unless the other insurance company decides they feel like paying for it (not very often).

Collision coverage is great because you get your car fixed regardless of fault. You can crash your car into anything or anybody and we'll fix it, no questions asked. But you'll probably lie at about who is at fault because you don't want your premiums to go up. The other party's car may not get fixed because they don't have collision coverage, but that's their problem!

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