Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This Just In: Some People Lie!

I know, I know. I was as shocked as you were when I found out. I have a theory as to why I think people do it, but it's just a theory. Here it is:

Joe Blow gets into an accident. Let's say he backed into somebody as he was coming out of his parking space. He gets out of his car and feels like a complete idiot for backing up without looking. He apologizes profusely to the other driver. He's using phrases that he doesn't usually use like "My Bad" or "Sorry bro, I just spaced." Everything seems cool, you exchange insurance info and leave. On his way home Joe Blow sees a buddy of his and tells him what happened. This buddy tells Joe Blow that he should tell his insurance company that the other guy rear ended him, that way his insurance premiums won't go up, and the insurance company will waive his deductible. And that's what he does. Next thing you know the other insurance company is calling you to find out why you go around rear ending people and pretend that they backed into you. Good thing you have collision coverage and rental car benefits or you would be S.O.L. (straight outta luck).

Real Life Example:

Joe Cool is parallel parked against the curb. He maneuvers his car until he gets to the point where he can back out of his space. He has no time to look behind him so he rockets in reverse and crashes right into the car that was waiting for his spot. Joe Cool feels like an idiot, offers to pay for the damages out of his own pocket so his insurance premium doesn't go up. My insured politely declines and states he would feel more comfortable using insurance companies. Joe Cool replies, "Fine, be that way" (I'm paraphrasing). When I call his insurance company, it seems he has informed then that he was rear ended while he was minding his own business waiting for a parking spot. I swear under my breath. The world keeps turning.

Moral of the story: Some people value lower insurance premiums more than their own integrity. Folks, if you're in an accident tell the truth about what happened. Your insurance premiums may go up, but at least you won't go to Hell for being a big fat liar!

1 comment:

Cristin said...

Oh my gosh, I just found a job for insurance bloggers, I'm not kidding.

Maybe you should get paid for writing this stuff...